The application fee changes implemented by the State Department, effective May 30, 2023, are detailed in the final rule as follows:
. . .It really is the number 1 question asked and with good reason – the destination you choose for your J1 will impact on your entire summer experience! . . .
OCEAN CITY — If a core of senior White House advisors has its druthers, the vital J-1 student work and travel program that supplies thousands of seasonal workers to resort businesses could be eliminated as part of the Trump administration’s Buy American, Hire American executive order.
. . .What’s The Donald been up to down there in Washington these days? Conspiring to practically destroy the Jersey Shore’s seasonal workforce, apparently.
. . .The Trump administration is considering an end to the U.S. Department of State’s J-1 Exchange Visitor programs. It would seem this action is a result of the Buy American, Hire American task force that the President has assembled.
. . .The primary goals of the Exchange Visitor Program are to allow participants the opportunity to engage broadly with Americans, share their culture, strengthen their English language abilities, and learn new skills or build skills that will help them in future careers. . . .
The Summer Work Travel program—one of five programs included in the J1 Visitor Exchange Program—brings more than 100,000 college students from 100 countries to the United States during their summer break. These students typically work at amusement parks, ski destinations and hospita . . .